Daily Grind 3 Way Split Cd Feat.
Nervous Impulse (Canada) / Anüs (Sweden) / Unsu (France)
6 New exclusive songs from each band.
A total of 18 tracks of unrelentless grind brutality.
3 Formations team up to serve your Daily Grind dose.
Nervous Impulse is back with a beastly sound.
They step up one more time with their new material.
Fans of their unique Insane Death/Grind Fury will be stoked.
Anüs, funny as ever, recorded the logical follow up
of their 1st album. You'd wish you put your shittin’ pants on
before pressing the play button because you’ll need it !!!
Unsu hammers the last nail on the coffin with their raw,
punishing and straight to the point grindcore.
The french veterans will undouptedly hit you with full force.
***Please note that orders outside Canada will be mailed without jewel case in order to save on shipping fees***